
Archive for July 30th, 2006|Daily archive page

and the winner is… :))

In Uncategorized on 07/30/2006 at 9:39 pm
there is a reason why we have such a big grin, that’s because we have a WINNER to the photo id contest below, and may we say, none more deserving than our fav brit all the way over in liverpool, tony(applause, standing ovation, kisskiss, tears, xxx etc…)
(whose very in-your-face ubercool blog is reasonably titled Sushi is Not Cool.)
hey tony, we know that even as we speak you are on your way to our cafe to collect your unlimited all-the-bwburgers-you-can-eat prize. so see ya at our amazing montreal airport say… tuesday?? :)) oh we almost forgot, for all of us still puzzled, here is the answer, of course only if you wish to satisfy your curiosity, otherwise.. keep guessing !

click here for the answer 😉