
Pope Opposes Harry Potter Novels – Signed Letters from Cardinal Ratzinger

In nessiepicks on 06/26/2006 at 3:29 am

English translations of the two letters by Cardinal Ratzinger follow:

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger Vatican CityMarch 7, 2003

Esteemed and dear Ms. Kuby!
Many thanks for your kind letter of February 20th and the informative book which you sent me in the same mail. It is good, that you enlighten people about Harry Potter, because those are subtle seductions, which act unnoticed and by this deeply distort Christianity in the soul, before it can grow properly.I would like to suggest that you write to Mr. Peter Fleetwood, (Pontifical Council of Culture, Piazza S. Calisto 16, I00153 Rome) directly and to send him your book.
Sincere Greetings and Blessings,+ Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Joseph Cardinal RatzingerVatican CityMay 27, 2003

Esteemed and dear Ms. Kuby,Somehow your letter got buried in the large pile of name-day, birthday and Easter mail. Finally this pile is taken care of, so that I can gladly allow you to refer to my judgment about Harry Potter.Sincere
Greetings and Blessings,+ Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

The most prominent Potter critic in North America, Catholic novelist and painter Michael O’Brien commented to on the “judgement” of now-Pope Benedict saying, “This discernment on the part of Benedict XVI reveals the Holy Father’s depth and wide ranging gifts of spiritual discernment.” O’Brien, author of a book dealing with fantasy literature for children added, “it is consistent with many of the statements he’s been making since his election to the Chair of Peter, indeed for the past 20 years – a probing accurate read of the massing spiritual warfare that is moving to a new level of struggle in western civilization. He is a man in whom a prodigious intellect is integrated with great spiritual gifts. He is the father of the universal church and we would do well to listen to him.”

ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS THANKS JR! 😉 Posted by Picasa

  1. Gosh that really is an uncanny resemblance isnt it? What was JR doing before the Vatican called?

  2. J.R. Tolken has been sued and critized for soooo long on her fantasy issue. The church worries about IMAGINATION at work it seems – well I should say this pope and his supporters.
    You can find all the details on who ‘Ms Kuby’ is if ys click on the link.

    Arent they like EXACTLY alike

  3. Praise be to Allah is what I say. Neither Pope nor corrupt Vatican is the messenger of God. Ashhadu ‘an Muhammadan Rasul-Allah

  4. right there farouk. but man you SOUND as bad as Ratzing!

  5. dont you know it is not cool to have perverted blogs when children use the internet all the time?

  6. It’s the internet! That’s what you’re supposed to do!

  7. OMFG!!!!

    Did you guys make this blog to brainwash Amerca’s chilkdren into all being hoe’s horr’s and hookers!!!?!??!!

  8. nope. i never have that big of an agenda.

    you dont think its odd that fantasy/sci fi is being ‘put down’? Whats wrong with imagining? Doesnt that promote qualities like sympathy and empathy?

    I would really love to understand the other point of view

    ps: were canadian. bloody canuks eh!

  9. “perverted blogs”? HUH? “children??” “..use internet ALL THE TIME??” HEY What are you some kinda MS.MORAL MAJORITY COME TO LIFE??!

  10. nope. just curious


  12. I do not understand all but it seams that discussion is not really peacefull :-D.

    So I just say, remember that “fear is the path to the Dark Side of the Force!” ;-).

    I absolutelly love great character like Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader, and also Emperor Palpatine, greatly acted by Ian McDiarmid.

    I love Tolkien’s novels and I do not like Herry Potter, but there is not religious reason behind my preferences.

    Also I think that Tolkien’s novels gives to readers some good values that today are lost, like friendship, love, honesty, freedom, equality … peace.

  13. Yes Ender – thats exactly it – for myself anyways. I love harry potter more for the fact that more children are reading.

    In Quebec there is a big linguistic line – french people learn french and english people (though forced to learn french as well) speak english. When Harry Potter came out all the french children came and started learning english so that they can be able to read them. Thats great! These books have reminded people about the pleasure there is in reading.

    I have read the first four books only but I never read any referance to children having babies early!!! Did I miss something.

    I’ve asked this before – to please elaborate just a little on your position. What makes you made about others (children) reading harry potter? Or imitating Luke Skywalker?

    JR Tolkein wrote his amazing series not because he wanted us to believe in something other than our own world. He was using his unique characters and universe as a tool to discuss contemporary issues that we may feel unable to speak of being of PC vocabulary, national resriction etc. No baby making there 😉

  14. *LMFAO* @ the image of the Dark Emperor and the Pope.

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